I had a look for a pirate/mermaid/superhero themed pull string piniata at our local store, but all the ones with the right theme were the beat the living hell out of it variety, so I made one the night before the party instead.
There was no time for papier mache nonsense, so the body of the treasure chest was made from turning a big big multibag cereal box inside out. Then I attached another bit of cardboard to form the curved lid. The pull string mechanism was cobbled together from a polystyrene plate and the plastic lid of a coffee cup. You can kind of see from the pictures how it's put together.

Paul and Jessen had the lovely idea on the day of tying the piniata to the top of the slide, so each kid could choose a string, hold onto it and slide down the slide to pull it, then the winning string made all the sweets and toys cascade down the slide too. Lots of fun!

I love that idea. I have two little girls, one is athletic, the other not so much. This is a perfect way to keep the fun of prizes and treats raining from the sky without the need for swinging bats around. Thank you!
You are freakin amazing!
Thanks for this great idea. I did a version of this non-violent pinata for my son's 2nd birthday. I linked to this post on my blog. Hope that's ok!
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