After the bunny cakes "cooking" last weekend (we nommed it all on Tuesday when five other kids came over to help us) my four year old requested that we make "the most hunormous cookie in the whole earth". Budgetary constraints, logistical issues and sanity prevented us from doing this, but we were able to make the biggest cookie my kids had ever encountered and that would have to do.
I mixed up the dough while we had freinds over, but we got caught up in other fun and never found the time to make the cookies together, so I packed up a set of dough with a tray each for our freinds to take home and we made our cookies later that day.

It's just regular, nothing special, sugar cookie dough with some different food colourings in it. The kids picked bits off and squished it into the tins until they had a multicoloured psycadelic cookie dough circle, then I gave them some wooden stamps to smoosh into it.

We baked them at 375 degrees farenheit for about 12 minutes and they came out prtty evenly cooked. I was worried that the outside would burn before the middle had cooked fully, but they came out fine and when cooled, they popped out of the trays really easily. The stamped shapes don't really show up, partly because they cooked out and partly because the kids squashed them whilst flattening out the cookies before even going in the oven. Hey ho.

Decrations with icing (just water and powdered sugar for dribbly drippy icing) and some sprinkles. It seemed a shame to cover the multicoloured cookies with icing, but the kids really enjoyed dripping it on.

Having done this and still having some cookie dough left, I washed out the pans and the next day we set about making some cookie pizzas. We made cardboard pizzas ages ago, but ones made of cookie have to beat that right? Cookie pizzas are not a novel concept, there are plenty about on the web. Many glorious varieties! Yum!
The kids squished more dough into the pans again and we baked them, then when they came out and were still warm, we tamped down the center to make it look a bit like a pizza base with a raised crust.

My first thought for tomato sauce was to use jam, but the only jam we had left was purple, so we used cream cheese icing with red food colouring instead.

The melted cheese was just water and powdered sugar mixed with a little yellow food colouring to make it look all melty when it was drizzled on.

If you do this, don't even momentarily entertain the notion that the kids might refrain from eating the icing while they are putting it on. I mean I couldn't resist tasting a bit either. I would have maybe used shredded coconut with yellow food colouring if my kids didn't both utterly hate coconut. Shame.
The toppings were quite fun to do. I cut circles out of a few fruit leathers for them to put on as peperoni and I coloured a handful of kettle corn from the farmer's market with brown food colouring to use as Italian sausage.

Here's the finished thing. Looks kinda freaky huh?

Tastes good though! We do have a stupid number of cookies now though. I'd better go get my stretchy pants out.