The thing that they seemed to like about the way I had drawn the images was that it was easy to make it look good. They didn't have any frustrations about colouring inside the lines (my 4 year old really doesn't like it when she goes over the lines on something for some reason. It's probably just a phase she's going through I guess). My older daughter also was happy that the cutting out was easy because of the thick black lines. Having only just turned 4, she can use the scissors, but can't cut shapes that are too complicated yet. I guess the nature of these drawings gave them some extra confidence in their own abilities and so they liked it.

With this in mind I thought it would be nice to try another theme, making the same style of images. I settled on food as a subject and drew out three pages of food items with a sharpie, scanned them in and printed a few copies out. They spent quite some time colouring them. My older daughter wanted to keep colouring, so I cut a few of them out for my younger daughter to play with on a paper plate.

Just click on the iddy biddy pics on the left to see the full resolution pics and print them out for colouring and cutting food fun.
I love these! I printed them out for my toddlers this afternoon, and they had a blast coloring them and then playing with them once they were cut out. Thank you so much for posting them!
Thanks for coming by my blog & for introducing me to yours :) I love what you're doing! ANd your party themes are awesome - loving those mixes!
I forgot to mention that I've just printed these for my boys - they're great. Thanks a bunch!
Just found this post via MaryAnne's blog. Your line art is phenomenal! I have to print these out for my girls. Thank you!
Wow you are a lifesaver! My 4 year old just demanded food pictures she could cut out and colour. A quick google search and there you are with just the thing! And FWIW, mine has the same thing about staying in the lines. I think it's like the pink thing - someone told her that was the 'right' way to do it (just like someone always seems to tell them that pink is a 'girl' colour), and there you are, they rush to conform. They get over the pink thing, maybe they'll get over the in-the-lines thing :>
thank you for posting this. my 5-year old daughter enjoyed this activity! Thanks again!
These food printables were a lifesaver! I was about to download a bunch of clipart to cut and paste for my preschooler's home school activity. LOVE this! Thank you for sharing!
Once again, I end up back at your blog. Printed these tonight for a lesson for the family on healthy foods and enjoying stuff in moderation.
These are awesome, I've spent some time looking for food pictures that we can color and cut. Only thing is that it's difficult to print these out as they are. I can't seem to get to the one with the hot dog on it. Can you post links to the pictures directly? Thank you so much!
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