This post is about a totally awesome book that my sweetheart bought for me on our anniversary. It's called Happy Gloves and is by Miyako Kanamori. She has created the most beautiful, cleanly designed and easy to follow instructions for making soft toys out of gloves.
I've only made two things from the book so far, but I'm so very pleased with them that I plan to make many more and although the book only has 21 items to make (actually, that's quite a lot really isn't it), it gives you the instructions in such a way that you can easily take off with the idea and make many more variations of your own.

Here is the gorgeous sweet little chipmunk from the cover of the book that I made for my older daughter (he is made from just one lone glove and a couple of pipe cleaners).

I also made a teeny rabbit finger puppet for my younger daughter from a single one of her white gloves (I have no idea where it's partner glove wound up).

As far as creative recycling and frugal gifts from the heart go, these glove toys are totally awesome and I heartily recommend getting a copy of the book for anyone who likes to sew for kids. I particularly love knitted toys, but as yet do not possess the required skill level to churn out more than one scarf every decade. This book has solved that dilemma for me! Awesome spouse for the win!
What an awesome book (and spouse).
aww they are too cute!!
ye, me too, I tried knitting, not for me. Everything I knit ends up as a triangle ;) Cast on 25 (which I need to do the kiddy way, lol)end up with 125 :0)
What a great gift to get from other half, what did you get fact don't answer that *dirty laugh*
Sounds like a great book - I'm impressed your spouse found it!
Your chipmunk is adorable - so is the rabbit finger puppet :)
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