You can check out our interview here. I'm giving away a Daiso styrofoam cutter and some little hair clips that I crochetted over there (pictured below), so if you want your name in the draw for them then you have to go over and comment on my interview post on The Artful Parent by Friday.

Also, if you want to explore more interviews that Jean has done, then she has a list of them here.
Thanks Jean! It was nice to be able to talk about the inspirations and influences in my life with you :)
I have had loads of people showing me their versions of our crafts recently too, which has been great fun! I'll share a few of them with you here while we're chatting :)
- Lisa, who is a teacher, and blogs over at "K is for Kindergarten", made our Duplo letter blocks for her class here. I just sent my daughter into school with ours for her class to play with too!
- Christie from "Childhood 101" had a go at our giant stained glass window, but made it much less messy by using a large sheet of contact paper, here.
- Marylea over at "Pink and Green Mama" made a lovely version of our land of Oz with her girls. They painted a nice board for it all, rather than the playdough road we made, and their lion looks much less freaky too ;). You can see it all here.
- The painted skirt post got a lot of people trying it out and blogging about it. This one is beautiful! and this one too! A nice variation on it was done by Eden over at Eden Art, who let her daughter decorate a stained white princess dress with the same technique. Totally gorgeously rainbowy!
- Eden also had some fun with the Squidlies we posted about a while back and added some other shaped pasta to the hotdog-spaghetti mix, here.
- Over at Mom's Crafty Place, they made a lovely version of the shower curtain village play mat from a while ago, here.
As usual with all these, I just link to the project done by the reader. If you want to see our project that inspired their creations then click through to them and they pretty much all link back to our original projects in their posts :)
I have more reader's versions of our projects to share with you, and I'll do that on Thursday, when I'll have another project ready to show you too.
Messy messy fun fun!
Thank you so much for the shout out, I am honored to be included on your reader list. I am not surprised there are so many, your projects are truly inspirational.
Thanks for your mention. You know, I love looking at your blog because I'm constantly inspired to do something new. Your Dalek inspired me to make a TARDIS for my daughter's Barbies. When I'm finished I'll send you a link. Keep making a mess and I'll keep following!
I would love to have one of the cutters you use but haven't been able to find it online or in any stores around me. Do you know of anyone who has a DIY tutorial for making one that simple???
Я Катя из Сибири.
Скорее пишу тебе письмо,потому что я нахожусь в восторге от твоего блога,твоих дочерей и твоей фантазии!
Я написала о тебе в моем блоге,потому что я не могла молчать!
Ты просто удивительная женщина! Ты дала девочкам творческую свободу.Это очень важно в формировании ребенка.Я уверена,что они вырастут неординарными людьми!Спасибо тебе за вдохновение!
Всего хорошего!!!!!!!
Thanks for the shout out! I love love love your blog!
So many great ideas. Keep them coming!
What a great interview. It's fun to learn more about you! Also, I'm veeeerrrrry flattered you mentioned me. Thanks!
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