Just a quick food post for you today. I've done a few food related posts in the past, but they are mostly just fun and aren't actually healthy in any way shape or form ;) For example the giant cookie pizzas and spaghetti hotdog freakshow. I did do a post about an orange treat a couple of years ago, but um, well, I filled an orange with Jello, so, er, not a terribly healthy treat either! Well, this time I've got a treat that is both cute, fun, and involves eating fresh fruit! It's really cheap too, because you just need half an orange for each dessert and the kids love them because they look all dinky and tea partyish.
Here's how you put them together...

Chop your orange in half, so that you get the navel parts at the bottom center of each half.

Next take one of your halfs and chop the bottom off it (keep that bottom bit to use later)

Now you will have a ring of peel that you can cut around with a knife to extract the edible part of the orange inside. This is the trickiest part and really it's not tricky at all. You just want to insert your knife at the edge of the pith and carefully rotate the orange on the chopping board to cut out it's center, leaving the peel in a complete ring.

Sit this ring with the wide side up (it's going to make the little bowl for the orange treat to sit in). Then turn the little base bit that you cut off upside down and pop it into the ring to make the bottom of the peel bowl. Now flip the edible part of the orange you cut out over so that it's widest flat surface is on the chopping board.

Cut it into six sections with your knife and pick it all up and place it into the peel bowl that you have made.

Then you get to decide how much of a treat you want it to be ;) I let my kids use a cocktail stick to eat the orange pieces because they are five and six years old, so aren't likely to hurt themselves with them, but I'd give a smaller kid a little fork. The kids like a bit of dried pineapple and a marachino cherry with theirs.

If you want to avoid the cocktail stick then a squirt of whipped cream and a cherry looks very treaty too. There must be loads of ways to dress this cute little dessert up to your own tastes :)

I don't know if your kids are anything like mine, but if my kids asked if there was dessert and I came back with "Why yes! Dessert today is half an orange!" I would be met with incredulous stares and likely be informed that half an orange wasn't a kid approved dessert, but they totally go for it when it's presented in this cute way and it only takes about 30 seconds to make each one.

I'd just like to take a moment to say that if you have emailed me recently and are waiting patiently for a response, I really am trying to get through my mail to write back to readers. We've had two birthdays and our anniversary last week and the last month has been a even more of a circus than things usually are around here. A nice and fun circus, but I'm a rather tired and pregnant ring master, so bare with me :)
this is such a great way to feed little people oranges! i'm going to try it very soon. i love that last shot - very precious moment! congratulations on the bun in the oven. : )
Love your blog. I've found that ANYTHING presented with a toothpick is suddenly more appealing: bits of ham, cheese, cherry tomatoes...makes me think that skewering their whole meal might score points. Soup might be tricky, though. Just sent hubby out for groceries: hope he brings back oranges!
How cute! Presentation is everything to the little ones, and toothpicks just add to the fun!
I made this last night for my girls for dessert. I put a little dream whip from the freezer on top and a blueberry. They loved it. I was a little leary that they would catch on that I was giving them 1/2 an orange for dessert but it worked.
Awesome Vone! I'm glad your kids went for them like mine do :)
Love this idea! Will be trying it out on mine very soon!
great idea!thank you
have a magic day
Ahh I absolutely loveee this. So simple to make yet so appealing!!! So going to try it out :)
Belly B
They look delicious!
How delightful! My kids (the fruit monsters) will love these. If we actually ever get our order of 50 plus fruit trees in, I still don't think we'd supply the demand of our kids!
Very cute--and congrats!!
I am one of your many fans. I love what your doing and was hoping for a little help. I am the mother of a 4 year old , 2 year old and pregnant with twins due in May. My engery level is dropping really fast. So I am begging you to help me out by guess posting for me. It can be a old post or new, it is up to you.
I want to feature my followers and blogs I follow during May, June and July. Please check out my blog and let me know if you interested.
here's another thing to do with oranges and orange peels... this is always a big hit at b-day parties.
I can make playdough. I can cut things out and use glue. I can not sew or use a pattern. My husband has power tools and technical skills. I am in love with your website. I can DO the things on here - my son can too! We are excited to make oranges this summer, hotdog/spaghetti treats with alfredo dipping sauce - we got a dipper! And I love the husband's site as well though there is little I understand after the word "code." Thanks for the ideas and endless inspiration!
Going to make this for a little picnic treat for my kids in the creek class tomorrow. GREAT idea as always!
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So cute. This is what the little Korean BBQ in my town serves for dessert.
Too cute. I wonder if I have any oranges around here?
What a fun way to eat your fruit! :) I love oranges but this is a step above and beyond. I will have to try this soon...
So I discovered your blog just in time! We were all suffering from strep throat and ear infections so all our spring break plans were kiboshed. I'm not creative at all, so finding your blog was marvelous. We did so many crafts with stuff I just had laying around or in the recylce bin. The kids had a great time! And these orange treats went over so well i've done them a number of times. Another thing I do is make fruit-kebabs on a skewer to get my kids to eat fruit (bananas, apples, grapes, melons). Add some mini marshmallows and its a class 1 treat! Thanks for all the craftsy-guidance!
My daughter is having an American Girl tea party birthday and this is a must. Thanks!
I love that last picture, too. I'm excited to do a grapefruit up for myself.
I am always looking for fun was to present snacks, what a great idea! I'm sure my kiddos will be eating them tomorrow=)
OMG, just came across your blog. So awesome and your kids are stunning!
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