The kids love water and playing with it and so I keep trying to come up with new ways that they can explore games with water (usually outside).
All I did for this was get about five meters of aluminium foil off the roll from the kitchen and lay it out flat on the floor in the yard, then pinch up the sides of it to make walls, and then we put the hose pipe on at a trickle and waited for a river to form.

I left the tin foil out in the yard tonight, because if the weather is this good again tomorrow then we might try making mini boats with sails for them to blow down the river or fan with newspaper.
Because it's just one big bit of foil with water in it, I can just scrumple it up when we are done and throw it in the recycling bin.
We may use this idea in the future to build some more complicated winding canals or a moat for a castle. So many possibilities. First things first though, we need to make some boats with sails.
What a great idea! I wonder if you could adapt this to help teach the concept of dams?
Great idea - I will have to try it out, my daughter already loves playing with the hose.
This is something I'll definitely be doing with my kids this summer, thanks for the idea!
i. am. doing. this.
thank you!
So simple, yet so genius!
Love it! We've been playing with water outside a lot lately - my daughter has so much fun with a washtub of water! I'll try this one soon, but I'll have to sneak a peek in the recycling bin for bottle tops!
Wonderful idea (as usual!)
I can't wait to do it with my crew!
My husband officially thinks I'm crazy(after using a hole roll of tinfoil to make a river)and my friends are convinced I can construct anything out of pipe cleaners. But my boys are having a great time and so am I! Thanks for all your great ideas. Now I look at bottles,boxes... in a whole new way.
Amazing! don't know how you thought to do that, but I'm definitely going to try it. Playing with water is always a hit.
great idea we will try this too ..noticed you do origami we're going to use origami paper boats my boys love could try too?tiny bit of playdough so they dont sink, with straw and paper sail stuck in?
great idea we will try this with origami paper boats!and try making "locks" like the brio waterways sets
Wow what I cool idea! I just found your blog. It's great! Keep it up.
What a great idea! I love it!
You are so very brave - I love your blog!
Just bought the double-pack 500 feet aluminium foil from Costco today! Ha ha! Once we're over this wretched flu, we are going sailing! Thank you for the idea, KM. I said this before and I'll drive you crazy repeating myself, but your kids are so lucky to have you as mum - I know you can't always have this much fun 24/7 but you all sure make the most of the times when you do! This also made me remember an old cardboard ramp I made for Emily 3 years ago for her little matchbox cars to roll down. It's all bent out of shape now, since the girls use it as a sword (creative, but daft). Must go find it. Thanks for the memory jog, too. Have a lovely weekend!
I thought this was a great idea when you first posted it and now I'm back again! I've just linked here from my latest post all about flags and boats.
Thanks for the inspiration!
Love the idea,we'll tray it our way!
We have a hilly driveway. This will be perfect to do in the next week. COOL!!!
Love this, it is amazing. It actually reminds me of the fountain where I used to work and every year we would have a race with boats -- the boat that stayed upright until the end (there were a couple of little "falls") won. Don't remember what the prize was, maybe just bragging rights, but it was fun anyway!
I love the paper-making session- especially the tutu-wearing workers and the *pink!* product:).
Super idea! I know my kids would really enjoy this, so we'll have to try soon. Thanks for sharing! (Found you via pinterest)
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