Mar 6, 2011

Mardi Gras Masks from Recycling

We made some Mardi Gras masks over the weekend out of our left over craft supplies and some stuff that was in the recycling bin. If you want to read the entire tutorial then pop over to the post on Alpha Mom, here to read about it and see all the photos.

I blogged about Mardi Gras masks three years ago on Filth Wizardry. They are a great way to let the kids go beserk with the glue. The ones we made back when the kids were really little were with old airline sleep masks and white glue. If you do decide to make some and you happen to have extra cardboard and some Dollar Store crepe paper streamers handy then these dresses would really complete the Carnival look :)

If you're more of the Pancake Day type than the Mardi Gras type then here's a link to the first ever post I wrote on Filth Wizardry back in 2008, showing the pancake art the kids love so much. Now that they are older and we have mustard bottles, they are capable of making their own squiggly pancake drawings.

Crafts from the archives here that might be useful to you for St Patrick's Day are these...

Last link is to Paul's latest contraption. He made the girls a hanging rail to go above their dressing up box, out of some PVC pipe over the weekend. It's made their bedroom look a lot less like an explosion in Goodwill ;)


Anonymous said...

Have you seen this website:

Thought of it when you mentioned pancakes. I like the ones you did, looks lace like.


Lindsey said...

Oh yes Christina! When I saw Jim's website I went and said hi immediately. We've been doing the pancake art thing for several years, but he takes it to a whole new level!

We come from the UK, so although we do play with the American pancake batter to do the arty stuff, we all really like crepes. I wonder if the kids would be interested in a traditional "pancake race" this year! That would be funny.

Anonymous said...

I was also going to mention Jim's Pancakes! They are amazing.

The masks came out darling.

viv said...

loved this craft . can you tell me please the brand of the low temp glue gun . i live in a remote area and will have to order online . and maybe for somebody like me if you can make a list of some essentials you like and use when creating with your little ones . blessings viv

Anonymous said...

I have never heard of a "pancake race". When I tried to look it up I couldn't find a concrete description. Mmmm, crepes! My fil makes some yummy crepes.

Maiz Connolly said...

Funny that you're hanging up the dress-up box, as that's what I'm working on at my house, too. Check out my recycled hangers: