She had a few little gifts actually on the day though, so she was happy. One that really went down well was the "birthday coupons", which was a totally last minute thing scribbled on some index cards at almost midnight before her birthday. She's actually using the ice-cream for breakfast one tomorrow morning, at least that's what she said before bed anyway. Have any of you tried this? I think we're going to do it for every birthday from now on (maybe even for me and Paul!)
I got into the habit last year of doing round ups every now and again to share other people's versions of our projects, but I let that slip and I'd like to start doing those round ups again. Unfortunately, even if people did email me about their takes on our crafts over that period of time, I'm not going to be able to find them easily in my chaotic inbox, so this little round up is just a few things that have been brought to my attention over the last week or so. In the future I'll try to be a bit better about putting emails in the right places and not getting burried under them.
- Kami from Get Your Mess On (also of Austin Tinkering School awesomeness) posted about the hot glue and wooden stick marble and ping pong ball fun they had after reading our tribute to Scott Weaver post. Love that they got some marble run action going with theirs, because we all got sidetracked into the sculpture side of it and didn't get very far with the plans to make it a dynamic sculpture.
- Eden Folwell and her daughter did some snail painting together. Boy is that a blast from the past for us! Our 2008 snail painting is still up in the kitchen. I am rather sentimental about certain pieces of art that we've made together and that was a very fun afternoon we had making that one!
- Speaking of art that I am sentimental about, Meri cherry over at her blog by the same awesome name posted about the leaf rubbing mural her class made after seeing our one from 2009. This is another thing that we still have up on our wall years later because I love it so much. Seeing the one that Meri's kids made gave me the grins and a bucket full of nostalgia too.
If you have had a go at one of the projects/experiments/crafts/stunts posted on Filth Wizardry then let me know and I'll add your link to a round up in the future :)
Possibly useful Halloween and Fall posts.
With Halloween around the corner, here are a few old posts that might come in handy for last minute costume making or decorating or just fall themed makings...
- Halloween pancakes from 2009. This was before Jim from Jim's Pancakes went and put my efforts to shame! Have you seen, he's doing Star Wars pancakes now! Tardis Pancake dude! Make a Tardis pancake!
- Jack-o-lantern apple printing, Frankenstein hand prints and halloween stencils from 2009.
- Toilet roll bat decorations from 2009.
- Milk jug trick or treat pumpkin pots from 2008.
- Jack-o-lantern pinata from 2009.
- Pumpkin carving daftness from 2009.
As far as costume stuff goes, here are a few posts that might help with last minute cheap ideas...

- If you've got a little girl and two little boys, I would love to see someone do Amy Pond, The Doctor and Rory as The Last Centurion. Yes, if the remote controlled Dalek from recycling didn't give it away, I am a bit of a Dr Who fan. Here's our Roman centurion costume from cardboard and crepe paper that you could whip up pretty fast.
- Easy peasy lemon squeezy mermaid tail from some old sweat pants and a flouncy skirt at Goodwill.
- Headband Star Wars masks for trick or treating. With bonus weird photo of our dessicated 2009 Christmas tree done up for Halloween.
- Balloon torch light sabers for last minute Jedi trick or treating.
- The funny looking but beloved old milk jug storm trooper helmet. Also milk jug batman masks.
- Insect antennae for bug costumes. Made from felt and electrical ties.
- Superhero fleece poncho capes for if it's very cold where you are trick or treating.
- Newspaper swords for pirates, muskateers and I dunno, kid's that want to be olympic fencers?
- Seriously last minute panick stricken costume possibilities also include Origami bunny ears and the gift bag robot costume (Aw, my girls look so little! How time flies) and all manner of weird stuff out of aluminium foil :)
One kid has decided she wants to be rapunzel for Halloween, no doubt along with all the other girls in her class, but she'll be the only one with a Vic and Bob style homemade foam frying pan if I have my way :) The other one hasn't expressed her preference yet and I have no idea what to put the littlest one in either, but we'll figure something out closer to the time.
We're off to have some fun at the East Bay Mini Maker Faire tomorrow. Thought I'd mention it in case any local folk don't know that it's going on and might like to take part.
Back on Thursday with a new Halloween project for you!
How COOOLLLL! Glad our mural brought you a smile. It's such a great project. Thanks again!
Don't forget Strawberry Shortcake! My daughters are going to be Strawberry Shortcake and Lemon Meringue and your post was very helpful to me.
I just found your site through a link from a parenting magazine and I can't stop reading it! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE all of it. The crafts are fantastic and I love that they don't cost much! I have two girls and a Girl Scout troop and I think we'll be doing loads of things from here (I'll try to send you pictures if I can figure out how).
Thank you for all the creativity!
Yay for Dr Who!!!! I too would love to see The Doctor, Amy Pond and the Last Centurion!
I loved the birthday coupon idea! We use coupons as a way to cut down on the Halloween Candy consumption. We give our kids homemade coupons they can redeem for other "treats" -- extra 30 minutes of TV time, stay up 30 minutes late, trip to playground of your choice, etc -- and each coupon has an amount of candy to be turned in with the coupon. The greater the reward, the more candy to be turned in -- choosing family dinner costs 5 pieces of candy whereas a trip to the playground only costs 3. Our kids have started asking about the coupons as soon as the decorations come out! Last year, all the candy was out of the house within a week -- and very little of it was consumed by the kids! Happy Halloween!
Good idea Lauren! Last year we got the kids to trade candy for little toys that I'd saved up from thrift stores, party favour bags, like rings, erasers, whistles etc, plus random little things I'd made like felt strawberries. We have more kids over this year though, so having coupons to add to the trading will help a lot!
Barbara, would love to see some pics of your crowd trying out our crafts :) Glad that you found us and that our antics are useful to you!
Emma, I'm hoping someone out there does it. My oldest has just decided that she wants to be Miss Frizzle from The Magic School Bus books, so I've got a bit of sewing to do. I really love her idea though!
Heather, So glad that the Strawberry Shortcake costume pics helped you. Just throwing them up there with no tutorial and just a couple of pictures of the finished thing made me think that it wasn't going to be that useful to anyone, so I'm happy that you got enough from it to make your own costumes (which I'd love to see of course!)
Hi, A vistor from the UK here. We loved the revisited snail project so on a sunny Saturday last week we did our own. One of our snails amused us when it wouldn't go round another snail that was in its way, it just crawled over the top of it leaving a stripey red trail on its back (bottom left pic of first mosaic). Good fun.
Love the robot made from gift bags -- clever and original spin on a classic! I love that kids make their own Halloween identity. It's featured with a link to your original post in a costume collection on my blog for Monday, Oct23.
I love your little gift coupons--the limitations are hilarious :)
Aw! Thanks for the mention! As always you amaze and inspire with all these incredible ideas (and the execution is spot-on!).
From one Doctor fan to another, I thought you would like this Tardis cat thingy. Also, there is a Tardis murphy bed and a Tardis fridge. Too fun.
Love love love your blog. I run a daycare in a small town and I have used several of your craft ideas recently for my daycare kiddos. They have a blast with every one! We are saving the make your own canvas ones for presents for parents. Keep sharing, looking forward to reading more :)
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